Sunday 29 September 2013


Here's my outfit for the day.
Until next time. ♡

Saturday 28 September 2013

Get Busy.


It's day 1 of my mid-semester break. I'm in the midst of revising Sterile Pharmaceuticals lecture notes before attempting my online quiz. It's gonna be a hectic week for me. I'll be working for 5 full days.

I'll pull through!
Have a great weekend, guys!

"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself." -Wayne Dyer

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Step ONE.

Cleaned up my desktop, deleted all the unnecessary shortcuts, leaving only Chrome icon on my taskbar because I use Chrome most often. Feels good! :D

Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Journey to LESS.

Hello. I've just decided to try living as a minimalist. Read a couple of minimalist blogs and I'm inspired. I never knew 'minimalism' existed. It's not a religion, it's a lifestyle and it's individual. There're no definite rules to follow. Unlearning complexity and re-learning simplicity sounds really attractive to me. I'm excited, honestly.
I know it's easy to say. However, I must say that life is more than just material. There are unseen things like faith, hope, and love that delivers true joy. These things don't evolve. Unlike fashion trends. It's tiring, to keep up with the latest trends, wanting nicer things, wanting to do everything, wanting to please everyone. We'll see how things turn out to be! :)

By the way, we turn 1 year 11 months old tomorrow! <3
Also, I stole these photos from Google, my best bud from school.